Dates In SQL Server: Adding & subtracting
Different DBMS systems have different ways of managing dates. As I’m doing a series of articles on dates, I thought I’d throw some notes down about calculating the difference between some of them.
Testing dataset
Picking up from my article on Dates In SQL Server: Create Sample Date Ranges I’ll use a sample from there to create a date range for testing and demonstration for this article:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dates table -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE testing_date_list ( TheDate DATE NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Custom Date Range Using Number sequence -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @DateStart DATE = '01-DEC-17'; DECLARE @DateEnd DATE = '07-FEB-18'; PRINT 'Start Date: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @DateStart, 120); PRINT 'Start End: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @DateEnd, 120); WITH number_tbl AS ( SELECT 0 AS a UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 UNION ALL SELECT 5 UNION ALL SELECT 6 UNION ALL SELECT 7 UNION ALL SELECT 8 UNION ALL SELECT 9 ), number_sequences AS ( SELECT t1.a AS t1a, t2.a AS t2a, t3.a AS t3a, (t3.a + (10 * t2.a) + (100 * t1.a)) AS concatenate_calculation FROM number_tbl t1 CROSS JOIN number_tbl t2 CROSS JOIN number_tbl t3 ) INSERT INTO testing_date_list (TheDate) SELECT CAST(DateAdd(DAY, concatenate_calculation, @DateStart) AS DATE) AS [TheDate] FROM number_sequences WHERE CAST(DateAdd(DAY, concatenate_calculation, @DateStart) AS DATE) <= @DateEnd ORDER BY concatenate_calculation ;
Addition, subtraction & rounding
Basic addition and subtraction requires the DateAdd() function, which has the syntax:
DATEADD (<datepart> , <number> , <date> )
While people can use simple arithmetic functions on dates in SQL Server, I’d always recommend against it. Regional settings and other changes can suddenly alter the behaviour of queries.
Rounding is commonly seen using a combination of DateDiff (more detail below) and DateAdd(). The takeaway is that to round in SQL server (historically) one calculated the difference in days (or whatever we are rounding to) between the current day (or whatever we want to round to), and 0. Then added that difference to 0. This has become the default way people do rounding, an alternative (more legible, but perhaps less performant) is to use DateFromParts():
DateFromParts(<year>, <month>, <day>)
A full set of examples are:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Addition, Subtraction & Rounding -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT [TheDate], --Adding & Subtracting DateAdd(DAY, 1, [TheDate]) AS TheDate_DateAdd_1_day, DateAdd(DAY,-1, [TheDate]) AS TheDate_DateAdd_sub_1_day, --Rounding DateAdd(MONTH, DateDiff(MONTH, 0, [TheDate]), 0) AS TheDate_WholeMonth, DateAdd(YEAR, DateDiff(YEAR, 0, [TheDate]), 0) AS TheDate_WholeYear, DateFromParts(YEAR([TheDate]), MONTH([TheDate]), 1) AS TheDate_WholeMonth_DFP, --Subtracting and Rounding DateAdd(MONTH, -3, DateAdd(MONTH, DateDiff(MONTH, 0, GetDate()), 0)) AS TheDate_ThreeMonthsBeforeStart, DateAdd(MONTH,-13, DateAdd(MONTH, DateDiff(MONTH, 0, GetDate()), 0)) AS TheDate_PriorYearMonthOnMonth -- 1 year of months from last month FROM testing_date_list ;
Finding the difference
To answer questions like “how many days ago was X” or “How long did it take between @StartPoint and @EndPoint”. We can use DateDiff().
DATEDIFF (<datepart>, <startdate>, <enddate>)
This will give us an INT value of the number of <datepart> between the two dates. If you are expecting a lot back, consider DateDiffBig().
Here are some examples looking at dates:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Difference -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT [TheDate], --Difference DateDiff(DAY, GetDate(), [TheDate]) AS DiffFromNow_Days, DateDiff(MONTH, GetDate(), [TheDate]) AS DiffFromNow_Months, DateDiff(YEAR, GetDate(), [TheDate]) AS DiffFromNow_Years, DateDiff(HOUR, GetDate(), [TheDate]) AS DiffFromNow_Hours FROM testing_date_list ;
Calculating duration
Another good example is finding out “how long did X take”:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Difference between start and end -- 750 seconds is 12.5 minits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @DateTimeStart DATETIME2(4) = DateAdd(SECOND, -750, GetDate()); DECLARE @DateTimeEnd DATETIME2(4) = GetDate(); SELECT @DateTimeStart AS [start], @DateTimeEnd AS [end], DateDiff(SECOND, @DateTimeStart, @DateTimeEnd) AS DiffInSeconds, --Note: the minutes are rounded up here DateDiff(MINUTE, @DateTimeStart, @DateTimeEnd) AS DiffInMinutes, --To format the time: -- - Calculate the number of seconds -- - Multiply that by 1000 so we get milliseconds -- - Add to 0 -- - Only output the time portion CONVERT(VARCHAR, DateAdd(MILLISECOND, DateDiff(SECOND, @DateTimeStart, @DateTimeEnd) * 1000, 0), 114) AS FormattedTime ;
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