Dates In SQL Server: Weekdays & Weekends
For reporting or for process management, it’s handy to be able to quickly identify weekdays and weekends. Here I’ll look at a few methods for calculating weekdays and weekends.
Some of these come easily from SQL Server, others require a bit more manipulation. Most of this builds on my previous articles on dates:
Note: I’m going to look into public (bank) holidays and geographic variations in a later post.
Create sample date data
From my previous article, the below SQL will create a date range collection:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create Date Table -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE date_t ( [TheDate] DATE NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create Date list -- Using Number sequence: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @DateStart DATE = '01-JAN-17'; -- At time of writing this is the past DECLARE @DateEnd DATE = '01-JAN-19'; -- At time of writing this is the future PRINT 'Start Date: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @DateStart, 120); PRINT 'Start End: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @DateEnd, 120); WITH number_tbl AS ( SELECT 0 AS a UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 UNION ALL SELECT 5 UNION ALL SELECT 6 UNION ALL SELECT 7 UNION ALL SELECT 8 UNION ALL SELECT 9 ), number_sequences AS ( SELECT t1.a AS t1a, t2.a AS t2a, t3.a AS t3a, (t3.a + (10 * t2.a) + (100 * t1.a)) AS concatenate_calculation FROM number_tbl t1 CROSS JOIN number_tbl t2 CROSS JOIN number_tbl t3 ) INSERT INTO date_t ([TheDate]) SELECT CAST(DateAdd(DAY, concatenate_calculation, @DateStart) AS DATE) AS [TheDate] FROM number_sequences WHERE CAST(DateAdd(DAY, concatenate_calculation, @DateStart) AS DATE) <= @DateEnd ORDER BY concatenate_calculation ;
Identifying the weekday and weekend
Weekends can be calculated by day name, or number. Both have their advantages and disadvantages:
- Day name is easier to read but less portable (different geographical settings use different names for the days).
- Day number is more portable, but also changes with configuration. The setting for DateFirst configures the first day of the week, as I’ve demonstrated on rextester: SQL Server – DateFirst Example
Below I’m showing how to use both, I’ve not put in the regional settings as people will normally work in one language or another. I have included the DateFirst configuration. This makes a nice template which can assign the setting for the session.
SET DATEFIRST 1; SELECT @@DateFirst AS [DateFirst Setting]; SELECT [TheDate], DateName(dw, [TheDate]) AS TheDate_day_name, DatePart(dw, [TheDate]) AS TheDate_day_of_week, CASE WHEN DatePart(dw, [TheDate]) IN (6, 7) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [IsWeekend], -- Using numeric day of week CASE WHEN DatePart(dw, [TheDate]) IN (6, 7) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS [IsWeekday], -- Using numeric day of week CASE WHEN DateName(dw, [TheDate]) IN ('Saturday', 'Sunday') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [IsWeekend], -- Using text of day name CASE WHEN DateName(dw, [TheDate]) IN ('Saturday', 'Sunday') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS [IsWeekday] -- Using text of day name FROM date_t ;
See this in action on rextester: SQL Server – Weekdays and Weekends
Also see:
Calculate working day number
To work out which weekday it is, in the month, I use windowing functions to add all the IsWeekday values up to and including the current date. In this instance I have partitioned by year and month so that I get rolling numbers for each month, but there is no reason this technique can’t be applied to any other period.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Calculate working day number (of the month) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT [TheDate], DateName(dw, [TheDate]) AS TheDate_day_name, [IsWeekend], [IsWeekday], CASE [IsWeekday] WHEN 0 THEN NULL ELSE SUM(CAST([IsWeekday] AS INT)) OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR([TheDate]), MONTH([TheDate]) ORDER BY [TheDate]) END AS [WorkingDayNumber], CASE [TheDate] WHEN DateFromParts(YEAR(GetDate()), MONTH(GetDate()), DAY(GetDate())) THEN 'Today' ELSE '' END AS [DayMarker] FROM date_t ;
I’ve put this up on rextester: SQL Server – Calculate working day number
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