Dates In Hive
After previously spending a lot of time looking at dates in SQL Server and oracle, I wanted to do the same justice to Hive.
After previously spending a lot of time looking at dates in SQL Server and oracle, I wanted to do the same justice to Hive.
Hive doesn’t have the functions LEFT() and RIGHT() as used in other RDBMS/SQL platforms. Here I demonstrate using hive functions for parsing text values which can emulate LEFT and RIGHT.
I cover getting started with the HDP Virtual Machine and starting hive, in preparation for future posts on Hive and Big Data.
I’ve created a tool/library function using bash for monitoring parallel processes managed by shell scripts in a linux environment. In the video I cover how to download the library to your environment, and demonstrate using it to build trees of processes (and their child processes) which aide in monitoring what is happening on a server at a point in time.
Most of us are familiar with the LIKE command in SQL Server (and other DBMS environments), but few venture beyond simple text matching and the ‘%’ wildcard. It’s ability to use some regular expression (a.k.a. regex or regexp) syntax is a surprise to many. For this article, I’m assuming that readers have already used the…
It’s handy to programmatically get metadata on tables (column names and datatypes), either to review implementation, or as part of a process automating code creation.
Like when I started writing about Dates in SQL Server, a couple of notes on partitioning has turned into a series… And not one I’m so happy with (I had a lot to cover and at the same time a lack of a bigger picture direction). Rather than ramble on about aspects of partitioning in…
In my series on partitioning, I’ve looked at creating a fact table partitioned by date. But I recently came across a case where I’d got data which had a date which should be used for the partition, however there was also a natural key in the data which should be maintained as a primary key.…
Picking up on my series on partitioning, previously I looked at Partitions in SQL Server: Creating a Partitioned Fact Table (by date) now I’m going to look into splitting an existing table into partitions. A key thing to remember is that the moving of data on disk can be time consuming and cause locks. The approaches…
I want to demonstrate a simple, yet common style partitioned fact table. I’ll also include here some handy bits of SQL to help along the way.