Dates In Hive

Dates In Hive

After previously spending a lot of time looking at dates in SQL Server and oracle, I wanted to do the same justice to Hive.

Getting LEFT & RIGHT in hive

Getting LEFT & RIGHT in hive

Hive doesn’t have the functions LEFT() and RIGHT() as used in other RDBMS/SQL platforms. Here I demonstrate using hive functions for parsing text values which can emulate LEFT and RIGHT.

Video: View running processes and their children

Video: View running processes and their children

I’ve created a tool/library function using bash for monitoring parallel processes managed by shell scripts in a linux environment. In the video I cover how to download the library to your environment, and demonstrate using it to build trees of processes (and their child processes) which aide in monitoring what is happening on a server at a point in time.

Querying SQL Server with something LIKE a regular expression

Querying SQL Server with something LIKE a regular expression

Most of us are familiar with the LIKE command in SQL Server (and other DBMS environments), but few venture beyond simple text matching and the ‘%’ wildcard. It’s ability to use some regular expression (a.k.a. regex or regexp) syntax is a surprise to many. For this article, I’m assuming that readers have already used the…

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Object Catalog Views: Table Metadata

Object Catalog Views: Table Metadata

It’s handy to programmatically get metadata on tables (column names and datatypes), either to review implementation, or as part of a process automating code creation.

Partitions in SQL Server: A collection Of Thoughts

Partitions in SQL Server: A collection Of Thoughts

Like when I started writing about Dates in SQL Server, a couple of notes on partitioning has turned into a series… And not one I’m so happy with (I had a lot to cover and at the same time a lack of a bigger picture direction). Rather than ramble on about aspects of partitioning in…

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Partitions in SQL Server: Partition an Existing Fact Table (by date)

Partitions in SQL Server: Partition an Existing Fact Table (by date)

Picking up on my series on partitioning, previously I looked at Partitions in SQL Server: Creating a Partitioned Fact Table (by date) now I’m going to look into splitting an existing table into partitions. A key thing to remember is that the moving of data on disk can be time consuming and cause locks. The approaches…

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